Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Great Pyramids of Giza are located in northern part of...

The Great Pyramids of Giza are located in northern part of Egypt right besides the Nile River. The oldest and major â€Å"is the only surviving structure out of the famed seven wonders of the ancient world.† The other wonders are: The Colossus of Rhodes, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, and The Lighthouse of Alexandria. The Great Pyramids was constructed for King Khufu son of King Sneferu. Three separate and diminutive pyramids were built around King’s Khufu pyramid; believe to be for each of his queens. Archeologists have also discovered a tomb nearby of what is believed to be the King Khufu mother. Also like most pyramids in Egypt, Khufu’s is†¦show more content†¦Also as you look at the structure you will see that entrance hall is on the north side standing about 59 feet from the ground. Once inside you will notice how small and narrow the passage ways to th e chambers are. the It makes you think about the size of humans at that time and how impossible it most have been to build this wonders of world. Another fact about the construction is where did the individuals who helped build the Great Pyramid came from. Some believe they were slaves from all the nations the Egyptian empire ruled but further studies of skeletons exhumed from the site show that the workers were most likely Egyptians laborers believe to work on the pyramids when the Nile River swamped the land close to it. They also built a small community right next to the site which included bakeries, grocery stores, carpenter shops, etc. I had the opportunity to travel to Egypt and see the Great Pyramid and I was able to read or hear from our guide a few facts about this monumental structure. Here are some of facts I learned: the pyramids are aligned with the Constellation of Orion. The Great Pyramids is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces truth north with only 3/60th of a degree of error (Tompkins). The coffer in the King’s chambers is massive, thus impossible to fit thru the passage.Show MoreRelatedComparison between the Great Wall and Egyptian Pyramids1749 Words   |  7 Pagesremained intact-the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is also the oldest of the ancient wonders. On the west bank of the Nile River, there are three pyramid erected on a rocky plateau in Giza in the northern part of Egypt. These pyramids were named after these kings-Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure-agree with the kings names, and one of the most famous pyramids is the pyramid of Khufu, also known as the Great Pyramid, because it is the largest of the three. The Great Pyramid was built for Khufu,Read MoreAccording to the modern researchers, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations likely seem very1200 Words   |  5 Pageswhich is their located differently. Egypt lies on the fertile Nile River valley , and desert around it.The Nile river have effect to Egyptians culture, it gave a rich natural fertilizing elements that helped Egyptian to grow plants. Also, Egyptian civilization formed by 3000 B.C. E., and they benefited from trade and technological. Back to Mesopotamia, it was located between Tigris and Euphrates river. Mesopotamia is made up of two regions, northern and southern. The Northern Mesopotamia wasRead MoreThe Mesopotamia And The Nile River Valley1596 Words   |  7 PagesMesopotamia and the Nile River Valley. These two civilizations are two of the most favorable ancient civilizations. Although these civilizations are similar in many ways, the small, but impacting differences it what makes these two civilizations stand out the most. The Nile River Valley was located in northern Africa in a country called Egypt. Mesopotamia was located in modern day Iraq, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, and parts of Turkey. The origin of Mesopotamia comes from the meaning â€Å"between two rivers.† The landRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words   |  76 Pagesmake airtight pottery for storage. These discoveries transformed them from gatherers to producers, allowing them to grow in number and to lead a settled life. Beginning about 5,000 years ago, a far more complex way of life began to appear in some parts of the world. In these places humans learned how to increase harvests through irrigation and other methods. Much larger populations came together in towns, cities, and other centers, where they erected impressive structures and where industry and

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